Steve Jobs Death : Things You don't Know

Friday, July 6, 2012 0 comments

Steve_JobsIt is really sad to know about the demise of a person who was an innovation for tech, a role model for entrepreneurs and an inspiration for millions. Yes...I am talking about the visionary Steve Jobs, ex-CEO of Apple Inc. He had a medical history of seven years, when in 2004, he had removal of his cancerous tumor from his pancreas. He was quite positive about his operation, but, his health issues were more complex than he originally thought. On Oct 5, 2011, the death of Steve Jobs was announced by the board of directors of Apple.

It is not the mankind alone, but technology as well to bear the loss of such a creative genius
Who had thought that a dropout from college could have insanely different principles for breakthrough success in his career?

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He gifted mankind with the things that we never thought of. Mr. Steve Jobs… the mind behind Apple II, Macintosh, i-phone, i-pad, i-pad and the list continues in his credit. He changed the world of communication and revolutionized the way people discover technology. He made simplicity, the ultimate sophistication. Who was He? Was he someone outside from this world? Or he knew some innovation secrets? Yes, he had some secrets. He thought differently about his vision, his career, his design, his customers and thought differently about “How he thinks?” He believed that there cannot be any workshop to exercise innovation muscles. Rather, it was his passion for his work. He used to make connections with different fields of life so as to spark his imagination and enhance his creativity. He knew what his customers wanted and gave them products which were more accessible, enjoyable, simple and elegant enough to grasp the attention. He sold dreams, not the products. He created a new brand experience .

It is now understandable why millions of students, techies and entrepreneurs look at the problem and wonders:”What Steve Jobs would have done?”

Guest Post by Aiman Khan. Regular MBT Contributor
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