iOS 5 Tripled Twitter Signups Rate Due To Ease Of Use

Friday, July 6, 2012 0 comments

[a href="" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"]iOS 5 twitter integration[/a]

  If you are into technology and kept your self updated with the Twitter-Apple partnership, over Twitter integration, then there is another exciting news for you today. Twitter Chief Dick Costolo mentioned at the Web 2.0 summit on Monday, that iOS 5 was the among the major factor for the Twitter growth lately.

Due to the[a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"] Twitter integration[/a] in iOS 5, people found it far more easy to signup for Twitter through the easy steps that Apple is known for. Integration in iOS 5 means that it is now the part of iOS 5 and not like a separate application that people were used of before. That means, more the people update them self to iOS 5, more Twitter signups would grow. Dick Costolo was really keen to see the future progress that this partnership has to offer to Twitter in all means.

[a name='more'][/a]

The Chief went on to characterize Apple as a logical fit for Twitter. After asking why Apple didnt added support for Facebook integration, he said:

"You'll have to ask them "

Many believe that its the result of reservations of Apple over Facebook privacy, that many still fear today. Twitter grew from 100 millions updates per day to 250 million updates every day today and have seen a mobile growth of 40% every quarter.

[a href="" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"]Dick Costolo[/a]

"We think that we can be on two billion devices around the world, and
reach every person on the planet
," Costolo said, "and the way to do that
is through simplifying.

Twitter Integration Overview: whats its all about

Did Twitter integration in iOS 5 help you in any means? Let us know through the comment section below.

Guest Post by [a href=""]Hassam Ahmad Awan[/a]. MBT's Gold Star Guest Author.
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