"4 Requirements" To Make Money Through Blogging In 2012

Tuesday, July 17, 2012 0 comments

blogging requirementsNo matter if you are a [a href="http://www.mybloggertricks.com/2011/11/8-easy-ways-students-can-make-money.html" target="_blank"]student[/a], housewife or jobless, blogging is a technical skill that turns a layman into an entrepreneur if applied correctly. We always advise 10th grade students to start learning blogging because by the time they will graduate their tiny blog would have become a revenue generating engine. Blogging is surely an art and it can work only if your strategies are practical and focused. Big internet marketers often launch blogs with the start of each new year so that they could multiply their current income. Creating more blogs is never a big challenge but creating your very first blog is. But before you may start a new blog or take any such decision, we  would like to guide you throughout your journey so that you may emerge as a well established professional blogger.

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The Four Fundamental Blogging Requirements

1. Build Up Your Skills

I will write a detailed post on "technical requirements for becoming a pro blogger" and here I will just give some highlights. Normally people who succeed with blogging are

  1. [a href="http://www.mybloggertricks.com/2012/01/what-skills-are-needed-by-professional.html"]Web Designers[/a]

  2. [a href="http://www.mybloggertricks.com/2012/04/web-development-is-surely-key-to-become.html"]Web developers[/a]

  3. Internet Marketers

People with any of the above designations have always turned out a productive resource for blogosphere. As a web designer myself, I could have never enjoyed blogging if I lacked designing skills. A blogger is not just an English writer who publishes links to Google, he is the brain behind the content as well as the blog's solid structure. To win the hearts of readers you must exhibit extra ordinary skills by presenting your posts in a professional way. You must design and maintain the blog regularly. A blog with dull grey look and layout is always a complete failure. You must make use of rich HTML, CSS3 and JavaScript effects to create web objects that may provide the best web interface to your visitors. Keeping a blog clean, easy to navigate and easy to search and read, demands designing skills on behalf of the author. Therefore you don't just need to be an excellent writer to become successful blog author but you must also have basic design skills required to stand out the competition.

You can learn HTML and CSS within a month and start creating amazing objects using Jquery and JavaScript the very next month. I will share all these details in my next post.

2. Understand what Search Engine is

Of course everyone knows what a search engine is but if this is true then why do people fail in driving traffic while on contrary others are entertained with [a href="http://www.mybloggertricks.com/2011/11/20-guru-tips-to-increase-blog-traffic.html" target="_blank"]immense traffic significantly[/a]? Optimizing your blogs is not the end of the story, there is something without which you can never expect to compete those billion of web pages fed into Google, Yahoo and Bing every single day! 

Search engines work on the principle: "Produce Quality Content, Publish it first and get Served Forever!"

1. Produce Quality Content:

This term is highly misinterpreted in blogosphere. Quality content is not just about writing lengthy big paragraphs with a word limit of 700-1000 words. Quality content in accordance with latest Google Panda guidelines stands for publishing unique content which must be fresh, latest and new. This is one reason why blogs like [a href="http://www.mybloggertricks.com/2011/09/techcrunch-end-see-how-angry-could.html" target="_blank"]Techcrunch[/a] and [a href="http://www.mybloggertricks.com/2011/10/top-10-earning-blogs.html" target="_blank"]mashable[/a] are so successful. They act more like news feeders. Search engines look eagerly for blogs that produce content relevant to the current time, happenings around the world, trends in technology and on going seasonal occasions.

We could have published this post without adding the word 2012 in the title but this single numeric value plays wonders in search engine results page (SERP).

2. Publish it first:

Never wait for someone else to publish a news if you heard it first. Always share tutorials and posts on latest developments.

For example: As soon as people heard about Google+, thousands of tutorials were published the very next day. This is how internet has become, it never waits for anything.

3. Get Served Forever:

One of the things that I practically experienced with search engines especially Google is that if you are the first one to break a news or share it online, Google will direct most of the relevant organic traffic towards you. We are still being served with valuable traffic Alhamdulillah for breaking the following news:

  • Facebook Video Calling

  • How To Join Google+?

  • Undo Timeline


Note that news here means "Sharing it first"

3. Act like a Journalist

What does Journalist does? Of course his job is to keep himself informed with everything. You must subscribe Giant technology corporate blogs and sites for updates in the world of social media and online media or at least visit these sites once a day. What I do is visiting my favorite technology blogs daily and I also use Alexa toolbar which shares interesting headlines across the globe. You can create an igoogle homepage and add RSS feeds of blogs related to your niche so that you may remain updated with latest happenings.

4. Publish Multiple Posts Per Day

If you are posting just twice per week and expecting revenue, then its time that you must open you eyes and wake up from these failed tactics. Read the following detailed tutorial:

  • [a href="http://www.mybloggertricks.com/2011/02/publish-several-posts-per-day-to-boost.html" target="_blank"]Publish Several Posts Per Day To Boost Traffic[/a]

This is the magic tip I recommend to all. There is nothing that can build your blogging career overnight except this strategy of post frequency. You must read the tutorial carefully to understand this important demand of pro blogging.

Why Your Blog Makes No Money?

Now watch this interesting video by lisa from [a href="http://blog.2createawebsite.com/" target="_blank"]2createwebsite[/a]. I really respect and follow her.

So will you launch a blog in 2012?

After having read the four important technical requirements needed to turn out as a speaking blogger, do you think you can start a new blog now?

I would like to share an interesting news here, we are soon going to launch a new blog in February 2012. The niche is based on [a href="http://www.mybloggertricks.com/2011/11/why-affiliate-marketing-is-better-than.html" target="_blank"]Affiliate Marketing[/a] and [a href="http://www.mybloggertricks.com/2011/08/5-best-ways-to-make-money-online-with.html" target="_blank"]Make Money Online[/a]. Hope it will be a valuable resource of learning for students (especially) and people who are fed up with their jobs.   The blog will be hosted on Wordpress in order to add a different flavor to our network. I just hope this tiny post proves helpful in guiding you to the right blogging spirit. Peace and blessings pals! :)

Source: http://www.mybloggertricks.com/2012/01/requirements-to-make-money-through.html
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