Replace Blogger Profile with Google+ Profile

Sunday, July 8, 2012 0 comments

  • Most importantly it would give you one Unique identity. All your Google Accounts will now use one common name. Your Common is the nickname that you chose on Google+.

Important Notes

However this shift may seem exciting but you need to first note these important points:

  • Upon switching to your Google+ profile,you will have only 30 days to revert back to your old blogger profile. After the time limit is crossed, your Blogger profile data will be deleted permanently.
  • Information on your Blogger profile won't be transferred to your Google+ profile, so you must manually copy your blogger profile data to Google+ before making the automatic switch.

After having read all the pros and cons lets now make the move!

Change Blogger Profile To Google+

  1. Click this link: [a href="" target="_blank"]Switch to Google+ profile[/a]
  2. Read the instructions carefully, agree to the terms and hit the "Switch Now" button
  3. Done!

Try this new change after you have backed up your blogger profile data and see if you like it. If things were not delightful then simply revert back. Make sure you revert back within a month. I hope this latest news may be interesting for most of you. :)

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