When it comes to promoting a business, social media simply cannot be ignored. Social media accounts for a great number of purchases for many businesses, and even for websites and blogs, social media plays an important part in bringing traffic. But socializing with people isn't as easy as all that. It requires a lot of time and effort to put together and maintain a presence on Social media. And due to the so many platforms that people are now using, this has become harder. Due to all this, we have been unable to communicate with you through [a href="http://www.mybloggertricks.com/2011/07/customize-google-plus-14-ways-to-change.html"]Google+ Fan Page[/a] Properly and we used [a href="https://plus.google.com/107381172453188253394/posts" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"]Mohammad's profile[/a] to post updates but now we have set up a separate Fan Page on Google Plus to keep you updated with every single post.
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On popular demand, and for other reasons, we have finally created a page for My Blogger Tricks on Google+! Now, you can get all the updates right on your Google+ homepage!
Click the following link to start receiving our Delicious New Google+ Fan Page Updates.
[a href="https://plus.google.com/b/109501801304882653518/" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"]Circle Us! [/a]
Note: We have turned off serving updates on Mohammad's profile and Post updates will be shared via this new Fan Page. Mohammad's profile will be used for personal sharings and for sharing presentation details and venues.
Why we chose Google+, and why should you too?
Google+ is the latest social network by far, since it has only been around for a few months. But already, we have seen a lot of powerful features from the Search engine Giant. In fact, it won't be wrong to say that the coming of Google+ heralded the start of a new social era, so to speak. Already, it has inspired a range of other networks to implement changes. Facebook,for example, did not have any of the list options before this. Nor did it have the Ticker and the Timeline we are so 'fond' of :P.
Secondly, Google+ makes it a lot easier for people to connect to each other. It has a lot more simplified, and efficient privacy module, and it lets you group people into circles etc. And since it is the search giant, discovering other people has never been easier. This is a very useful feature to have, especially for the promotion of businesses.
Important - Read please!
From now on, all blog-related updates will be published on our fan page on Google+. This initiative is for Google+ users. Our other social media pages will be active as well, but Google+ shows us promise, as more people can find us on this platform. Once again,to follow us,simply [a href="https://plus.google.com/b/109501801304882653518/" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"]click here[/a].
One more thing. Muhammad Mustafa's (this blog's author-in chief and owner's) public profile on Google+ will now be used for personal sharings, and only the most important details such as presentation venues etc. Therefore, I request you on his behalf and my own, that if you want blog related updates, then follow our fan page rather than following Mustafa's profile.
So connect with us on Google+ so that we can all socialize better! Looking forward to seeing you there. Goodbye :)
Source: http://www.mybloggertricks.com/2012/04/good-news-were-now-on-google.html
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