Make an eBook: Creating Killer Title And Content HowTo?

Monday, July 9, 2012 0 comments

ebook reading

Okeh guys so i am back with the [a href=""]eBook series[/a]. I didn't wanted to over do it for you guys as its gets boring to read about the same thing over and over again. Right? So lets continue from where we left previously.  I posted [a href=""]Make an eBook: Creating Killer Title And Content Overview[/a] that gave out a general idea of making content for you eBook and how exactly you could give it a personnel touch so that it feels like an authoritative content.

You could find your way through the contents section after the jump break in case you missed out any of the previous post inline. So what are we up to today and how is today's post different from the previous? You have to get over the jump to reveal it :)

[a name='more'][/a]

I really wanted to make this post as a separate, one from the previous overview that i gave, as this would be the result of the momentum we created so far for eBook creation.

 1-[a href=""]Introduction To eBook Marketing [/a]

  • Who should make an eBook? 

  • Why to make an eBook

2-Planing Phase

  • [a href=""]Research your targeted market[/a]

3-Building Phase 

  • [a href=""]Creating killer Title/content [Overview][/a]

  • [a href=""]Creating killer Title/Content [HowTo][/a] (you are here)

 4-Developing Phase 

  • [a href=""]Pdf Formation/3D Cover Model[/a]

5-[a href=""]Publishing Phase[/a]

  • Creating an online ebook form / Customization

  • Applying the form to the Blogger Blog

  • Building Download system with email subscription / Thanks page  

::Series ended by 5/11/2011::

What program is best suited for an eBook writing?

[a href="" imageanchor="1" style="clear: right; float: right; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-left: 1em;"]Microsoft word for eBook[/a]Its simple. Use Microsoft Word (that is free) for writing content for you eBook. The latest version have many useful tools that you could use for formatting your content. Its widely used for this purpose today due to its ability to convert .doc files directly to PDF files, that we want our eBook to be in.

Write out your basic backbone content first. No need to add pictures and stuff. Just build text content. Once that done, you could decorate it with relevant pictures. As what i do with the blog post. I work out the post content, and then finally make it wear some nice clothes.

How should you start?

This is often the biggest hindrance one could face while writing any content. But i believe its very easy when you know something to write upon. If you have to summarize your last Christmas or your birthday, you wont take minute to start writing what you experienced.

[a href="" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"][/a]

That is that your mind should be a head of your fingers typing. Say if you need to build an overview, you could surely start with it. Its often a good practice by first making out the table of contents (though you could workout minor changes later if needed) which would direct you towards your end goal with the eBook.

Don't make it formal. Use simple language and present the content like you're talking to your buddy. I take this post as a conversation between you and me. It then gets easy to then put things together.

Content characteristics?

It would be a good move to use more than one type of headers. Notice that we use two types of headers here at MBT. The one in blue with dotted line or a normal bold heading (black one). It better helps in withdrawing the attention of the reader and helps out separate the sub parts of the content too.

Use more and more bullet points, numeric numbering etc. Make sure each paragraph is not more than 4-5 lines. It helps to hover over the content easily. Also convey your message in a mixture of long and short sentences. It really works. (see what i did there?)

Give it a proper clothing

Clothing is must, right? Find out some cool relevant pictures for the content. Try to assign a picture for every heading you got there. It really makes the content lively. Its one of those forces that makes reader continue reading.

Most Important?

Make sure that you give out a keynote at the end. Summarize the entire content at the end of the eBook and tell readers what they got from the post. Like from today's post, you got an idea of what program we could use for an eBook writing, how to better format our content, clothing etc.

The reader should not be confused at the end. Thats the purpose. Make him know what he had to get from the eBook. Otherwise tell him that he's a dumb (not really!)

Use of Font?

12-13 is really recommend from many successful eBook publishers. Don't use fancy fonts. Please. And always use black color for the content. To summarize, let it be universal and not just create a new theme that would not be appreciated at all. Though as i mentioned before, you could use 2 different decent colors for headings.

So yeh thats enough for today's post. I hope it would be easy to work out on your eBook content from now on.

So.. now whats stopping you?

Thanks for reading guys. Take care.

Guest Post by [a href=""]Hassam Ahmad Awan[/a]. MBT's Gold Star Guest Author.
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