How to Create a Stickybar with "Close Button"?

Thursday, July 12, 2012 0 comments

Create a Sticky Bar With Close Button in  Blogger


    4.   Just above it paste the following CSS code,

background:#333 url('') repeat-x;
margin:0 auto;
padding:0px 0;
border-bottom: 1px solid #888888;
  -moz-box-shadow: #666666 0px 1px 3px;
  -webkit-box-shadow: #666666 0px 1px 3px;
  box-shadow: #666666 0px 1px 3px;
  z-index: 999;
height: 28px; position:fixed;
line-height: 1.85em;
vertical-align: baseline;
letter-spacing: 1px;
font-family: arial,"Helvetica",sans-serif;
#mbt_bar a{
#mbt_bar a:hover{
#mbt_bar p {margin:0; list-style:none;}
#mbt_bar img {vertical-align: middle;
      margin-right: 6px;}


    5.    Next search for </head>   and paste the following Javascript code just above it

<script type='text/javascript'>
var mbt_arr = new Array();
var mbt_clear = new Array();
function mbtFloat(mbt) {
mbt_arr[mbt_arr.length] = this;
var mbtpointer = eval(mbt_arr.length-1);
this.pagetop = 0;
this.cmode = (document.compatMode && document.compatMode!="BackCompat") ? document.documentElement : document.body;
this.mbtsrc = document.all? document.all[mbt] : document.getElementById(mbt);
this.mbtsrc.height = this.mbtsrc.offsetHeight;
this.mbtheight = this.cmode.clientHeight;
this.mbtoffset = mbtGetOffsetY(mbt_arr[mbtpointer]);
var mbtbar = 'mbt_clear['+mbtpointer+'] = setInterval("mbtFloatInit(mbt_arr['+mbtpointer+'])",1);';
mbtbar = mbtbar;
function mbtGetOffsetY(mbt) {
var mtaTotOffset = parseInt(mbt.mbtsrc.offsetTop);
var parentOffset = mbt.mbtsrc.offsetParent;
while ( parentOffset != null ) {
mbtTotOffset += parentOffset.offsetTop;
parentOffset = parentOffset.offsetParent;
return mbtTotOffset;
function mbtFloatInit(mbt) {
mbt.pagetop = mbt.cmode.scrollTop; = mbt.pagetop - mbt.mbtoffset + "px";
function closeTopAds() {
document.getElementById("mbt_bar").style.visibility = "hidden";

   6.     Finally search for <body>  and just below it paste the following HTML code

<div id='mbt_bar'> WRITE YOUR TEXT HERE
<span style='padding:0px; float:right'>
<img align='absmiddle' border='0' onClick='closeTopAds();return false;' src='' style='cursor:hand;cursor:pointer;'/></span></div>


    To write an announcement, update news or notice to readers, just replace the yellow highlighted text with your message. If you wish to change the Close button image then simply replace the bolded black link with your button's link.

    7.     Save your template

    8.     You are all done!

Visit your blog to see it fixed to the top just beautifully with a close button waiting to be clicked!

How it works?

The close button when clicked triggers the function closeTopAds();  which then searches for function definition. The function is defined such that it sets visibility of bar to hidden. That's how the bar hides once the button is clicked and reappears only upon page refresh. Indeed a pretty neat way to make a user friendly bar.

Need help?

You are most welcomed to ask for any help if needed. If you wish to share the tutorial and scripts above with your readers then kindly attach attribution to MBT blog. Peace and blessings pal! :)

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