Surprise! MBT Developed Its First Facebook HTML IFrame WebPage

Saturday, June 23, 2012 0 comments

Facebook Iframe TabAfter hours of trial and error and coding and coding and just coding, Alhamdulillah I succeeded in crafting and developing MBT's first Fans Welcome Page on Facebook. This was indeed one of the most enjoying designing thing I came across so far. Designing blogger templates, widgets, icons, buttons is more like a hobby now but taking a step further and branding a service and product on Facebook was a complete new experience. The Facebook application used in building this Welcome Page is called [a href="!/apps/application.php?id=190322544333196" target="_blank"]Static HTML IFrame Tabs[/a].  My coming tutorials on this are close to never shared before on any blog, forum or even the Facebook developers page and most often this is done at premium levels but[a name='more'][/a] you will be really excited to implement it to your blogs once we publish the series Guide for free. Together will we make the blogging platform even more appealing and worth exploring. Your motivation has helped me a lot in taking this step and I will need your valuable support always. I am really excited to share this unique "Facebook Welcome Page"  of MBT. So let's have a look of it:

PS: Please view it using any browser but not IE. The Page is Compatible with Mozilla, Chrome, Safari and even slightly with IE8+


[a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank"]MBT Fans Welcome Page[/a]


It's 4.29 AM of night, 14th June 2011 and I am really tired to share the tutorial at this moment. I will publish series of posts on this topic with free and unique Code designs and will make sure that the coding is made as easy in implementation as possible. I would be more happy viewing your Welcome Pages with different colors and tastes. Peace and blessings. :)

Need your Feedback on this!

I will highly appreciate your precious feedback on this latest finding. Your comments mean a lot. If you have any idea you can share before we publish the tutorials then please share it openly with all of us. I would love to hear how you like it.

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