You can view clearly that around 16% visitors use Internet Explorer to view MBT. Suppose if our blog did not load quickly or neatly then we could have lost precious amount of our daily traffic. 16% loss means loss of precious Page Impressions and hence AdSense Revenue.
In May 2011, this blog was loosing 30% of its traffic from IE8 due to a "[a href="" target="_blank"]Website Abortion Error[/a]". I had installed a search box form lijit on this blog and it worked just fine in Mozilla and chrome but I did not had the habit of checking it in IE. At the end of the month when I check my analytics, I was shocked when I found out that we were receiving no traffic from IE. I opened IE to see what's wrong and found that the blog did not load at all. It would give an error and then the browser would crash. It took me around 2 days to find out the cause of this error. You can read in detail in that post how we debugged our blog template and removed the widget which was causing the entire blog to crash on IE.
How To Ensure your blog is Browser Compatible?
The best way to do this is to keep the tips I shared on [a href="" target="_blank"]IE Abortion Error Solved[/a] and these new precautions:
- View your Blog in Mozilla, Chrome and then IE8
- If it looked good in Mozilla and Chrome but not in IE, then use CSS conditional classes.
- Always view your blog in IE after making a change to your blogspot template
- If it showed a problem in loading then its better to avoid that widget
Apply these tips along with the detailed version on my previous posts to stay safe and maintain receiving traffic from all major browsers without loosing a single visitor. No need to use W3C validators because they will never tell you that you did well rather they will always show errors on errors.
Hope this may prove helpful in better understanding why your traffic from some browsers like IE is low. Do let me know if you needed some technical help in making your stylesheet compatible with conditional ID statements. Peace pals. :)
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