Show Slides Of Related Posts at the Bottom of Each Page

Tuesday, July 10, 2012 0 comments

imageIts no more just on wordpress blogs! The Widget today will slide at the bottom right corner of your page and will recommend related posts from your site to the visitor. Such content recommendation widget can be seen on almost every popular Wordpress blog and especially mashable but now you can too take advantage of this great tool to increase your blog PageViews and Traffic through Facebook, Twitter and Google+.

[a name='more'][/a]

[a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"]Live Demo [/a]

Why this Widget to your Blog?

There are many great reasons which explain how important this widget can prove for your daily pageviews.


  • A Boost in your Pageviews and Visit stay time on your Blog

  • More Tweets, Likes and +1s on your posts due to social sharing buttons

  • Access to full analytics in 'Reports' on its Developer page. You can monitor from your account which post had greater page views and which posts were liked the most.

  • You can also Customize The Slide's style and functionality (I am working on it)

  • Allow readers to opt-out (Users can select whether to turn of the slide or not)

  • It appears when the user scrolls to bottom and Hides/contracts when the scroll is up. Thus not distracted the readers attention a lot.

  • Its Free and easy-to-install!

How To Add "The Slide" To Blogger?

  1. Go and Sign up for an account at [a href="" target="_blank"]Simple Reach[/a]. During Sign up, give the URL of your blog where you want this widget appear.

  2. Next Visit your Inbox to activate your account

  3. One your account page fill the easy instructions given there.

  4. They will give you a pictorial representation on what to do next. They will ask you to Download your Blogger template by going to Design > Edit HTML > Download Full Template. (I would advise that you first Backup your template and keep it in a safe place.)

  5. Then you will be asked to upload your template on their site. Do it and you will be taken to a new page where in step#5 you will get a link for the modified copy of your template. Simply download your new modified template from their site and upload it on Blogger.

  6. Your are all done!

It will take them around 30 minutes to fully index all your pages. After this 30 minute gap, you will be able to see the widget appearing on your blog. Note that the widget will appear only on your post pages and not the homepage.

Customize Font Colors and Styles

I visited their developers page and tried several possible ways of removing that slide logo from the widget along with changing the link colors and the default text "Recommended For you" But the customization requires you to upload the widget's stylesheet on a separate sub folder. This is possible with self hosted blogs like wordpress but unfortunately we can not do this in blogger. I tried adding the codes directly to Blogspot's template but nothing seem to work. If you did succeed in finding a way out then please feel free to to write a guest at MBT and educate us all.

Do let me know if you needed any help. Peace and blessings dudes. :)

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