Push Blogger To Maximum Load Speed - Series

Wednesday, July 18, 2012 0 comments

An ideal load time is as minimum as 5-8 seconds but achieving such timing is rare as we can't sacrifice blog design a lot for the sake of a boost in loading time. We will therefore ensure to keep design of blog neat and clean by adopting smart ways of optimizing the scripts and images. Graphic Images, third-party widgets, plugins, JavaScript and JQuery are responsible for 80% of slow load time in  both blogger and Wordpress blogs. Our purpose would be to optimize them all.

Following is the list of topics we will discuss in this fresh new series:

Part3: Decrease Load Time By Optimizing JavaScript - How Many scripts allowed?
Par4: Which Widgets You Must Use In Blogger For Faster Load Time?

Disadvantages of Slow Loading Blogs

Following are some points that highlight possible pit falls linked with slow loading web pages or slow website speed that effects your blogs ranking, revenue and readership:

  1. Discourage visitors to stay longer thus increasing bounce rates
  2. Decreases PageViews. People wont navigate the blog a lot and would tend to leave it as soon as possible
  3. Drop in PageViews means drop in Page Impressions thus serious loss in Advertising revenue
  4. You wont get targeted sponsors if your page views are less than 2-3K
  5. Ad spots can not be sold at higher prices
  6. People wont share your content on social media networks
  7. Visitor wont turn into reader and thus no increase in the number of subscribers
  8. Fan following on Facebook, Twitter and Google+ would increase at a slow rate
  9. People would tend to read your Feeds than preferring visiting your blog. Again this effects your Blog PageViews because Feed visits do not count a lot except for Adsense
  10. Search robots can skip indexing a page which is too dense and filled with scripts and graphics
  11. Search Rankings for a page is badly damaged
  12. Google loves serving its users with quick loading sites and penalizes those which take longer time to load
  13. Traffic from Internet Explorer would suffer due to browser crashing. IE often crashes when the page takes a longer time to load
  14. Traffic from smart phones would decrease because mobile internet connections are not very fast. People love to visit sites that can be browsed easily and quickly using their handsets
  15. So on...

What's Next?

After realizing some of the biggest disadvantages of blog speed factor, it would now be interesting to discuss effective ways to tremendously reduce the number of elements that may be causing the blog to take a longer time to load. Instead of sharing non-practical tips like [a href="http://www.mybloggertricks.com/2011/06/compress-css-and-html-to-reduce-site.html" target="_blank"]CSS and HTML compressing[/a] or [a href="http://www.mybloggertricks.com/2011/06/compress-images-and-javascript-to.html" target="_blank"]Image Compressing[/a], we will share tips for BlogSpot blogs that we apply to all our designed templates and also to MBT blog. I am sure you will learn a lot with this new exciting series. I will share some advanced technical tips that will be both practical and easy to apply. Kindly do not hesitate to ask for anything un-cleared. Do share some of your secret tips or any query that you wish to clarify.

Peace and blessings buddies. :)

Source: http://www.mybloggertricks.com/2012/03/push-blogger-to-maximum-load-speed.html
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