How To Restore a Deleted Blog in Blogger?

Saturday, July 7, 2012 0 comments

delete-blogger-blogSometimes we take decisions without giving a second thought and this leads us to trouble and we regret on what we did and wish to undo what you did in hurry. Blogger provides all users to import, export or to permanently delete their BlogSpot blogs. Suppose you deleted a blog and seconds later you realized that the deleted blog contained some important information inside posts and widgets. How to undo what you did or how to restore your blog and get it back? Fortunately Google provides a 90 days restoration option. Deleted blogs can be restored within 90 days after which they are removed forever from your blogger account. The post today will share how to restore your blog before the three months temporary limit is exceeded.

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How to delete a blog?

  1. Go To blogger

  2. Click the Settings link under the chosen blog

  3. While in Basic page you will see an option of Blog Tools. This tool gives you three options. You can either import, export or delete a blog.

  4. First choose the Export blog option so that you may keep a backup copy of your blog incase you needed it. Specify a location and save the xml file.

  5. After you have exported the blog now you can Choose to Delete blog

delete blog

     5.   You will be asked again if you wish to delete your blog and made assured if you wish to export your blog before deleting. Do export your blog if you have not already done.

Choose Delete This Blog and you are all done!

delete this blog

Restore a deleted Blog

Now when you have deleted your blog. May be you paid a second thought and decided to retrieve/restore your blog. Don't worry we can surely do that if you have not exceeded the 90 days limit. Do this:

  1. Go to your blogger Dashboard

  2. Below all your blogs you will find a link that says "Show all". Blogger hides the deleted blogs on your dashboard in order to reappear them simply click the "Show all" link.

  3. Then you will be able to see your deleted blog


     4.    Click Undelete this blog

undelete this blog

      5.   Your blog will be restored in seconds! :)

Things you Must do while Deleting a Blog

1) Backup all your widget codes

You should do this mainly for HTML/JavaScript widgets. Because these widgets contain important codes.

2) Export all your posts.

If in case you didn't restored your blog within 90 days then it will be permanently deleted so it is better that you keep the backup in your hard drive. You can then import your blog whenever you wish using the same method as described above.

Hope this little help proves useful for most of you. Happy day! :>

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