How To Find Sponsors For Your Blog?

Friday, July 6, 2012 0 comments

Write less but write best. Do not spam search engines with short and duplicated content. Most technology blogs share the same summarized content and circulate it by writing the same post in short paragraphs. Write for your readers and force them to stumble and bookmark your content. Do not worry about Revenue during the initial one year of your career and do not add too many Ads on your blogs. Attract and keep attracting loyal readers for continuous one year. Write at least two posts per day and add social media buttons every where on your blog. Keep post frequency constant and keep tracking your Alexa Rank. Build your network and expand your circle. Do exchange links but at most with 5 quality bloggers. Write unique posts with at least 300 words to avoid [a href="" target="_blank"]Google panda effect[/a].

Final Advice

No one can claim to be successful because there are always bigger names ahead of you but do always keep a closer look on what they do and learn from them. Be polite in tone and always consider yourself a student and never a master. Be patient because a fruitful result does demand time. Give your self a one year of struggling period and track your performance consistently. Do not give up hope if you loose a Rank, just keep posting regularly and write on new and latest topics. Think of what Internet audience would like and always write on current happenings. When Christmas is near then write on posts related to Christmas and when [a href="" target="_blank"]EID[/a] is near then write on things that would attract Muslim visitors. 

Genius are you my friend! Just realize your inner strength and potential and utilize your time smartly. May you achieve what you always dreamt for. Wishing you love, peace and a happy successful life online. Peace buddies! :>

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