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I personally don't follow these big names because I have wasted more than a year of my early blogging career. Most of the tips that they share took me away from reality and made me forget the blogging ethics and become a money monger. There are tons of videos and stories on AdSense but believe it or not, most People who are earning hell lot of money today are not individuals like me or you and not housewives but they are a company represented by one face. That one Display face takes all the credits and represents himself as a role model. In short they are spoiling blogging ethics and are responsible for thousands of newbie bloggers who end up their career in hopelessness because they get tired of hearing stories on stories but fail to acknowledge that those role models are a part of system which lets them get richer and richer by fooling new comers online. Today everyone is running after short cuts and producing content that aims only at driving traffic but serves no [a href="http://www.mybloggertricks.com/2011/11/4-steps-to-create-profitable-email-list.html" target="_blank"]readership value[/a]. You wont see a subscription box and neither a comment option on many well established blogs because Readership for them matters less than spamming Google with fresh links containing republished ideas with no purpose to serve and deliver.
During the past few weeks I have received several emails from visitors who were really hopeless at their monthly income and wanted to know how exactly can they earn just like those story tellers. So I thought I better serve my duty as a Blogger and less like a Marketer sharing how much we earn online through MBT Network, I would rather prefer sharing what I have learned so far.
Following are few tips which if you follow will surely damage your goals online and will put an end on your blogging dream
1- Following The Story Tellers
2- Blogging Doesn't Stands For Adsense
Look around at people who have abandoned their blogging careers. Most of them are those who kept on reading AdSense stories and started depending solely on it as the only source of income. They are wrongly trained bloggers and when their [a href="http://www.mybloggertricks.com/2011/06/lost-adsense-account-how-to-get-it-back.html" target="_blank"]Adsense accounts get ban[/a] they find themselves in confusion with no alternative in mind. All there life they blogged only to receive more and more traffic by publishing short, re-shared stories and paid less attention to readership which in fact is the real revenue.
They often change niche for the sake of better CPC (cost per click) and start running after ways to increase their earning. This leads them no where because change of niche destroys your search engine rankings as well as [a href="http://www.mybloggertricks.com/2011/11/4-crucial-reasons-to-build-email-list.html" target="_blank"]Email List[/a]. If you are writing on Blogger Widgets today and writing on "Web Hosting Deals" tomorrow then you are again being wrongly guided by those story tellers. You will never build authority this way. Your God gifted potentials are beyond your imagination so explore them because you deserve far good if you do justice with your time and strategies.
Its true that your Adsense revenue Boost when your traffic increase but instead of publishing republished and low quality content you can utilize the same energy in producing content that may attract readers. Every reader is worth $1 and you can realize it once you drive a fair amount of traffic no less than 2000 Visits/day.
3- Publishing Links To Google Brings More Traffic
Look around and you will find many blogs publishing 4-5 posts per day and most of these posts are stories already published on established Tech blogs. They will write on anything they find. This is one reason for Panda Effect which is a great step by Google to discourage misuse of blogging. Publishing content with no purpose in mind is post spamming.
Write less but write good and unique. It wont return a value today, tomorrow but it will one day. It works and it works well!
4- Preferring PageRank over Alexa
Alexa is an excellent way of differentiating quality websites from those which offer nothing new in terms of content. If you are wasting your time looking for more and more links and spending less time on your posting frequency then again you will end up in dismay. There are many blogs with PageRank>4 (Check Blogger Directory) but they fail to drive traffic both from search engines and social media. Neither do they earn from private advertisements nor from banner ads because a blog with PageRank6 and Alexa > 50k offers no credit value to the advertiser. Read my detailed post on [a href="http://www.mybloggertricks.com/2011/09/how-to-find-sponsors-for-your-blog.html" target="_blank"]Why Alexa Rank is better than PageRank?[/a]
5- Posting Less and Looking at Analytics Daily
Don't look at your analytics every single day. Don't sit and watch for traffic to come. Keep posting because you never know which post turns out to be a "Magic Post". Most traffic that big web owners receive is just due to two or three Magic posts that change their entire experience. MBT also enjoys such Magic posts without which I would have been begging for traffic.
When you check your analytics daily you often loose hope to do better. So instead of loosing the rhythm avoid checking your stats for a week and keep posting regularly. Once the week ends check your stats to see if your strategy worked or not. If you saw even a slightest improvement then celebrate that day but if you didn't saw a change then alternatively take motivation from the increase in the number of your followers and readers. Blog like this for at least three months and don't care about advertisements or Adsense during this period. By adopting this approach, You will indeed find yourself in a much better position. What you expected to achieve in a year will become your Goal for a single day. All this is possible if you work hard with dedication and apply all basic SEO tips side by side. Read people who may further improve your fundamentals and avoid reading every single tip that aim at blindly Making you rich overnight.
Patience and Hard work is the key to a successful living online and same goes for an established blogging career.
What are your views?
I was in great hurry when I wrote this post so please forgive me for any mistakes if made. I would love to know how far you agree to the tips above which of course serve to enlighten and divert attention of new comers towards a more broader and practical approach of Blogging. This post was aimed only at educating newbies about truth and lies that exist here.
Source: http://www.mybloggertricks.com/2011/12/5-tips-to-destroy-your-blogging-career.html
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