Why Manage Feedback:
Managing Feedback:
1-Comments Section:
To receive the feedback on every single post, there’s nothing better than having a [a href="http://www.mybloggertricks.com/2011/06/add-facebook-comments-box-to-blogger.html" target="_blank"]comment section at the end of every post[/a]. You may avoid spam comments by restricting the comments to be posted by only those who have their id’s approved by ……….. You should keep the right to delete any comment to assure a clean and better environment of your blog. The post author should visit his/her post at least once in 24 hours, better it is twice, to reply to the comments. He/she should try to thank every reader by his/her name and addressing him/her individually. He/ she should pay special attention to criticism and must reply it gently.
2- Off Topic Questions Section:
Sometimes our readers do ask questions which are not related to the post. Of course, we can’t let them down and also we don’t want to start a new topic inside a topic. So to handle this situation, we may have an ‘[a href="http://www.mybloggertricks.com/2008/12/blogger-help-for-general-off-topic.html" target="_blank"]Off-topic Question Section[/a]’, where all off-topic and general queries can be dealt. We may further categorize it by making separate sections for separate categories.
3-Star Rating Widget:
Since most of the readers do not find themselves comfortable in leaving a comment and they do not tell us even if they dislike the post. Their silence badly affects our business because they continue to dislike and we remain unaware of it. Instead of improving our quality and changing their dislike into like, we keep the same quality with a satisfaction that this is what our customers need. How to know about their opinion? Basically, such kind of readers think they don’t have enough time to comment on each and every post. They don’t want to get engage in signing in, writing a comment, submitting it etc. But, they would be ok if they are given a chance to tell their opinion by ‘one click’. This ‘one click’ option can be provided using star rating widget. Trust me, they will provide feedback, until and unless they are damn rude :p
4-Handling Multi-Writer Blog:
If you have a blog with categories associated to different team of writers, you may have a different way of handling questions. What I would do in such a scenario is, I would mail any new query to all team members of that category with a widget displaying its status as ‘unanswered’. As soon as any of the members replies it, its status is changed to ’answered’, indicating that its turn to answer other queries. Now, how do we know if the reader is satisfied with the answer or not? Simple, we may design a widget indicating its status as satisfied or not. If the reader is not satisfied, its status is again changed to unanswered and the same mechanism repeats .i.e. a mail is sent to all members, to answer the question again with some better arguments. And all this mechanism in programmed, of course I personally would not be checking the status and forwarding queries.
But who would program such a widget for you? Adopt the traditional approach. Make it obligatory on all your team members to answer all queries on their posts periodically.
5-Post not visited time period:
It is also not possible keep visiting same post again and again to answer comments. Since new posts are to be published and they need catering as well. It’s better to specify a time period that tells readers that the author does not visit the post after 3 days, for example. Or you can have a [a href="http://www.mybloggertricks.com/2009/12/recent-comments-widget-by-feedburner.html" target="_blank"]recent comment widget[/a] that keeps you inform about the recent comments be it on the latest post or the one published three months ago. You can then deal with them accordingly.
What Suits Your Blog?
Above mentioned ways are just meant to provide you an idea. You can take an idea and modify it according to your blog’s subject. You can work on any of them and come up with something better. Do comment and tell us how you feel about this post. After all, we also need your feedback.
Guest Post by Aiman Khan. MBT's Silver Start Guest Author
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