Mobile Templates for Blogger

Friday, June 15, 2012 0 comments

Mobile Templates for BloggerBlogger has now released mobile templates, which would make your blog look cool on your smartphones.  The mobile templates will reformat your blog for mobile phones. It will even strip down the post content on your home page, so that its more readable and not too lengthy. 

This feature is still in draft and so you will have to login to to enable this new Feature.

To Enable this Feature,

1. Login to

2. Go to Settings > Email & Mobile and Select the  Yes Option.


3. Now if you want to see  a preview of how your blog will look on a mobile,(without actually applying the settings), then click the Mobile Preview Button.

4. Now Click on the Save Settings Button for the changes to take effect.


Now when someone visits your blog via a phone, he will be automatically redirected to the mobile version of your blog.

Here are some previews of the mobile versions of some blogger blogs.

1. My Blog

2. Blogger Buzz

If you have enabled Adsense ads on your blog, then Adsense mobile ads will be shown on the mobile version of your blog. If you are using a template from some designer, then the mobile template won’t be rendered in the same style as your original template. The ones using the Blogger Template Designer will be able to get a matching mobile template. 

This is still under draft. So lets hope that we will be able to add CSS rules  to override the default Mobile Style, when this thing actually rolls out.

Update: This Feature has now moved out of draft. So you will be able to set this from your regular dashboard.

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