Make Spiders to follow your comment

Sunday, June 10, 2012 0 comments

By default blogspot templates make the urls in the comment fiedls as no follow.Means search engines wont follow these links.In my blog the comments field is followed.Means you will get inlinks to your blog(which are followed by search engines).This may encourage commentors to comment on your blog.So if interested you can comment on my blog.Spammers please dont hurt me..

Ok now i should tell you how to implement the do follow attribute in your blog
As i always say open up your template html.

<a expr:href='data:comment.authorUrl' rel='nofollow'<></a>

Delete the one in Bold and you are done..

I suggest you to remove all the rel='nofollow' tags in your template so that you can make sure of it..

I have removed all the nofollow tags in my blog template..So comment on.I am waiting for yours.Any suggestions questions or anything will do..
Update: The comments here are no longer DO FOLLOW
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