Floating Google +1, Facebook, Twitter Buttons For Blogger

Saturday, June 23, 2012 0 comments

Floating buttonsUPDATE:- To add a floating widget to the left of all your posts like in this blog then please read: [a href="http://www.mybloggertricks.com/2011/08/add-floating-facebook-share-1-button.html"]Floating Counters Next To Posts[/a]

Finally the Sliding Counters! Till now we learned and created many [a href="http://www.mybloggertricks.com/2011/04/add-floating-facebook-like-and-retweet.html" target="_blank"]floating social share buttons[/a] but those button widgets in fact do not slide when the user scrolls the page up or down. The only thing I needed was a well constructed JavaScript code that could make the widget to float up and down synchronously with the webpage movement. Thanks to [a href="http://www.jtricks.com/javascript/navigation/floating.html" target="_blank"]Jtricks'[/a] Floating Menu code, we finally managed to bloggerize the floating effect and this widget is all ready to be added to your beautiful blogger blogs.  Kindly view the demo first,

[a href="http://bloggertricks-testblog.blogspot.com/2009/10/this-is-how-peacful-land-turned-into.html" target="_blank"]Live Demo [/a]

Adding Floating Social share Counters to Blogger

  1. Go To Blogger > Design

  2. Choose a HTML/JavaScript widget

  3. Paste the following code inside it,


/*-------MBT Floating Counters------------*/

#floatdiv {








#mbtsidebar {

        border:1px solid #ddd;





    margin:0 0 0 5px;



<div id="floatdiv">

<div id="mbtsidebar">

    <table cellpadding="1px" cellspacing="0">


    <td style="border-bottom: 1px solid #E8E8E8; padding:5px 0 2px 0;">

<div id="fb-root"></div><script src="http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js#xfbml=1"></script><fb:like href="" send="false" layout="box_count" show_faces="false" font=""></fb:like>




    <td style="border-bottom: 1px solid #E8E8E8; padding:5px 0px;">

<g:plusone size="Tall" expr:href="data:post.url">




    <td style="border-bottom: 0px solid #E8E8E8; padding:5px 0 0px 0;">

<a href="http://twitter.com/share" class="twitter-share-button" data-count="vertical" data-via="mybloggertricks">Tweet</a><script type="text/javascript" src="http://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js"></script>




    <td style="border-bottom: 0px solid #E8E8E8; padding:0px 0 0px 0;">

<p style=" font-size:10px; text-align:center; color:#ddd;"><a style="color:#ddd;" href="http://www.MyBloggerTricks.com" target="_blank">Widgets</a></p>






<script type="text/javascript">

// JavaScript Document


/* Script by: www.jtricks.com

* Version: 20071017

* Latest version:

* www.jtricks.com/javascript/navigation/floating.html


var floatingMenuId = 'floatdiv';

var floatingMenu =


    targetX: 0,

    targetY: 300,

    hasInner: typeof(window.innerWidth) == 'number',

    hasElement: typeof(document.documentElement) == 'object'

        && typeof(document.documentElement.clientWidth) == 'number',



        ? document.getElementById(floatingMenuId)

        : document.all

          ? document.all[floatingMenuId]

          : document.layers[floatingMenuId]


floatingMenu.move = function ()


    floatingMenu.menu.style.left = floatingMenu.nextX + 'px';

    floatingMenu.menu.style.top = floatingMenu.nextY + 'px';


floatingMenu.computeShifts = function ()


    var de = document.documentElement;

    floatingMenu.shiftX = 


        ? pageXOffset 

        : floatingMenu.hasElement 

          ? de.scrollLeft 

          : document.body.scrollLeft; 

    if (floatingMenu.targetX < 0)


        floatingMenu.shiftX +=


            ? de.clientWidth

            : document.body.clientWidth;


    floatingMenu.shiftY =


        ? pageYOffset

        : floatingMenu.hasElement

          ? de.scrollTop

          : document.body.scrollTop;

    if (floatingMenu.targetY < 0)


        if (floatingMenu.hasElement && floatingMenu.hasInner)


            // Handle Opera 8 problems

            floatingMenu.shiftY +=

                de.clientHeight > window.innerHeight

                ? window.innerHeight

                : de.clientHeight




            floatingMenu.shiftY +=


                ? de.clientHeight

                : document.body.clientHeight;




floatingMenu.calculateCornerX = function()


    if (floatingMenu.targetX != 'center')

        return floatingMenu.shiftX + floatingMenu.targetX;

    var width = parseInt(floatingMenu.menu.offsetWidth);

    var cornerX =


        ? (floatingMenu.hasInner

           ? pageXOffset

           : document.documentElement.scrollLeft) +

          (document.documentElement.clientWidth - width)/2

        : document.body.scrollLeft +

          (document.body.clientWidth - width)/2;

    return cornerX;


floatingMenu.calculateCornerY = function()


    if (floatingMenu.targetY != 'center')

        return floatingMenu.shiftY + floatingMenu.targetY;

    var height = parseInt(floatingMenu.menu.offsetHeight);

    // Handle Opera 8 problems

    var clientHeight =

        floatingMenu.hasElement && floatingMenu.hasInner

        && document.documentElement.clientHeight

            > window.innerHeight

        ? window.innerHeight

        : document.documentElement.clientHeight

    var cornerY =


        ? (floatingMenu.hasInner 

           ? pageYOffset

           : document.documentElement.scrollTop) +

          (clientHeight - height)/2

        : document.body.scrollTop +

          (document.body.clientHeight - height)/2;

    return cornerY;


floatingMenu.doFloat = function()


    // Check if reference to menu was lost due

    // to ajax manipuations

    if (!floatingMenu.menu)


        menu = document.getElementById

            ? document.getElementById(floatingMenuId)

            : document.all

              ? document.all[floatingMenuId]

              : document.layers[floatingMenuId];



    var stepX, stepY;


    var cornerX = floatingMenu.calculateCornerX();

    var stepX = (cornerX - floatingMenu.nextX) * .07;

    if (Math.abs(stepX) < .5)


        stepX = cornerX - floatingMenu.nextX;


    var cornerY = floatingMenu.calculateCornerY();

    var stepY = (cornerY - floatingMenu.nextY) * .07;

    if (Math.abs(stepY) < .5)


        stepY = cornerY - floatingMenu.nextY;


    if (Math.abs(stepX) > 0 ||

        Math.abs(stepY) > 0)


        floatingMenu.nextX += stepX;

        floatingMenu.nextY += stepY;



    setTimeout('floatingMenu.doFloat()', 20);


// addEvent designed by Aaron Moore

floatingMenu.addEvent = function(element, listener, handler)


    if(typeof element[listener] != 'function' ||

       typeof element[listener + '_num'] == 'undefined')


        element[listener + '_num'] = 0;

        if (typeof element[listener] == 'function')


            element[listener + 0] = element[listener];

            element[listener + '_num']++;


        element[listener] = function(e)


            var r = true;

            e = (e) ? e : window.event;

            for(var i = element[listener + '_num'] -1; i >= 0; i--)


                if(element[listener + i](e) == false)

                    r = false;


            return r;



    //if handler is not already stored, assign it

    for(var i = 0; i < element[listener + '_num']; i++)

        if(element[listener + i] == handler)


    element[listener + element[listener + '_num']] = handler;

    element[listener + '_num']++;


floatingMenu.init = function()





// Some browsers init scrollbars only after

// full document load.

floatingMenu.initSecondary = function()



    floatingMenu.nextX = floatingMenu.calculateCornerX();

    floatingMenu.nextY = floatingMenu.calculateCornerY();



if (document.layers)

    floatingMenu.addEvent(window, 'onload', floatingMenu.init);




    floatingMenu.addEvent(window, 'onload',





Make these changes:

  • Replace mybloggertricks with your Twitter username

     4.  Save your widget and you are almost done!

PS: If you have already added the [a href="http://www.mybloggertricks.com/2011/06/add-google-1-button-to-your-blogger.html" target="_blank"]Google +1 Button[/a] somewhere in your blog then you may skip step5.

    5.  Now Go To Blogger > Design > Edit HTML   and search for this,


Just above it paste the following code,

<script src='http://apis.google.com/js/plusone.js' type='text/javascript'> {lang: &#39;en-US&#39;} </script>

     6.  Save your template and say Bingo!

Visit your blog to find it hanging to the left. I hope you liked it as much as MBT had fun creating it. Peace and blessings! :)


Web designers, developers and Blog owners are requested to attach attribution to MBT blog if they wish to share this tutorial with their readers. Any copyright violation will be reported straight to DMCA. Kindly respect the efforts.
Source: http://www.mybloggertricks.com/2011/06/floating-google-1-facebook-twitter.html
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